While expanding your server with custom logic you will need to work with resources directly.
To do so you can take advantage of built-in KeFHIR main services.
Provides possibility to read, save and delete resources.
Main methods overview:
ResourceVersion save(id, content, interaction)
ResourceVersion load(reference)
ResourceVersion load(id)
void delete(id)
This service provides api for parsing and composing resources from/to representation formats (json, xml).
ResourceContent compose(resource, format)
Resource parse(content)
Note that parse
will automatically detect format.
Simple usage example:
private ResourceService resourceService;
private ResourceFormatService resourceFormatService;
public void updateMedicationRequestStatus(ResourceId id) {
ResourceVersion mrVersion = resourceService.load(id);
MedicationRequest mr = resourceFormatService.parse(mrVersion.getContent().getValue());
resourceService.save(id, resourceFormatService.compose(mr, "json"), InteractionType.UPDATE);
Ideally this service should solve all your searching requirements.
SearchResult search(resourceType, String... params)
SearchResult search(resourceType, Map params)
SearchResult search(SearchCriterion criteria)
arguments should be formed accordingly to FHIR search specification
SearchResult r = resourceSearchService.search(ResourceType.Patient.name(), "_count", "30", "name", "Albert");
Map<String, List<String>> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("target:MedicationRequest", List.of("111", "222", "333"));
params.put("end", List.of("gt" + DateUtil.format(new Date(), DateUtil.ISO_DATETIME)));
return resourceSearchService.search(ResourceType.Provenance.name(), params);
More examples:
Patient $everything operation
Conformance initializer
Conformance setup is also available statically using this class.
See ConformanceHolder.get*
You can also listen to any conformance changes to rebuild caches or notify other services if needed.
Conformance will be available using ConformanceHolder
at this point.
interface ConformanceUpdateListener {
void updated();